Finding Your Perfect Real Estate Agent

Finding your perfect real estate agent

Buying or selling a home is an involved process to say the least. Buyers want a happy, easy experience and sellers want that process to be quick and stress free. With so many different steps in either process how do you even begin to digest it all? Home inspections, contracts, listings, open houses, pricing, taxes, the list of things to do and things to know seems to go on and on. Luckily buyers and sellers aren’t alone in this endeavor.

Real Estate Agents are professionals in the field that know the ins and outs of real estate and are there to guide you through the process of buying or selling a home. They know and understand the market, the paperwork, potential red flags, home values, and so much more. But how do you find the right real estate agent, the agent that will be perfect for you? Of course, recommendations from family or friends is a good way to start, but it’s easy for you to do your own research to find your perfect agent.

As you begin your journey of buying and selling a home it’s a good idea to figure out what qualities are important to you in an agent. Do your research and call up an agent you feel may be the right match. As you talk and build rapport, see if they align with the qualities you’d like them to have. Below, we’ve put together a list of qualities that we hold important in our team of agents.

Trustworthy - Trust is of the utmost importance. You want an agent that has your best interest in mind and follows through with what they say. You want to feel taken care of as they guide you through each step of the process. Part of building that trust is making sure that you are honest with your agent about yourself and your financial situation. They will learn all of this anyway so being up front from the beginning will better help your agent get you exactly what you want. Find an agent that you feel you can trust and one that makes trust their number one priority.

Recommended - Great agents are recommended. Research them online, check their ratings, and read their reviews. If you really want to know about the services an agent provides, ask them for some references. A great agent will be happy to provide you with references and even see that as an advantage in securing your business.

Industry Professional - A great agent knows the real estate market. They understand values, geographic areas, trends, and more. They work hard to be the best and this can be seen in awards they’ve won, reviews and ratings, advanced training and certifications, and volume of transactions they’ve processed. A true professional will have answers to your questions, guide you in the right direction, and respond to you in a timely manner.

Proactive - A great agent takes initiative. It’s that easy. Your agent should be proactive in communicating with you, in finding you homes that meet your criteria, in marketing and finding buyers for your house, and in anticipating your needs.

Communicator - Communication and timeliness are key. Understanding your communication needs is something a good agent strives to do from the first moment they connect with you. You’re going to have a lot of questions throughout the process of buying or selling a home. Find an agent that makes time for you and your questions and gets back to you in a timely manner. You want an agent that makes you feel like a priority, not a burden.

Problem Solver - No two real estate transactions are the same and there are so many different complexities that can occur throughout the process. Ultimately, a great real estate agent is a problem solver. Understanding your needs and finding creative and effective solutions to any issue that may arise is a special talent. Great problem solvers can even anticipate potential problems and mitigate them before they become a serious issue.

Attention to Detail - Buying or selling a home can feel like a whirlwind at times. You’ll probably have a lot of questions and there will more than likely be a number of things that you don’t initially understand. In situations like this it is easy for small details to go overlooked. A great agent will be focused on the details, all of them. They will also care about the details that matter to you.

Educator - Whether this is your first time buying or selling a home or not, there will be a lot of things that you may not know or understand. The real estate market even has the opportunity to change quickly and frequently and any prior knowledge that you may have had (or have been told by family or friends) is very likely to be different today. Don’t worry, a great agent is up to date on the current market and trends. They will be patient with you and your questions and they will take the time to educate you about the process.

Negotiator - At times, there can be a lot of give and take in real estate and there are a multitude of creative compromises that can take place. A great agent will know how to navigate all of these and be your negotiator to get you the most of what you want. They know that price isn’t always the most important thing, terms matter just as much and sometimes more. Whether it’s negotiating your offer with the seller’s agent when buying a house, or negotiating free occupancy in selling your home to give you more time to find your new one, your agent must be a master of negotiation and compromise.

Supported - Great agents have built even greater networks. Great agents understand that in order to help you best they need to have a great support system. This includes appraisers, inspectors, loan officers, title agents, contractors, and more. Some agents work for themselves and some are part of brokerage teams. “Being part of a team makes me a better agent,” says veteran agent Josh Atias. “We get constant training to keep up with market changes and trends. Plus, I’m constantly learning from our leadership and the other agents. I’m supported by a team of transaction coordinators, assistants, and other administrative personnel that are the best in the business and this lets me do great work for my clients.”

Take your time to do proper research to find your perfect agent. Call them up to build rapport and see if your personalities are a match. Be sure to interview them and ask questions to learn more about their experience and their approach. Ask for references and call them. Finding your perfect agent will make the process of buying or selling your home less stressful and more advantageous.

If you’re thinking about buying or selling a home, we’d love to match you with one of our great agents. Contact us today and talk to an agent who cares! ◼